Associate Pastor
Reverend Al Watkins
I was born in Dayton, Ohio, where I graduated from Cinclair Community College. I then attended Real Estate School. I sold real estate for approximately 4 years. I met my lovely wife, Maxine, and we were married November 16, 1967. I was saved April 20, 1972 at a Bob Harrington (knows Chaplain of Bourbon Street) crusade at the University of Dayton Arena.
We moved to Jamestown, Tn in 1973, where we attended Round Mt. Baptist Church. I taught my first Sunday school class there. I was baptist in Clear Creek, sand my first gospel song, and was called into music ministry in 1983. I traveled with the New York Singers a little over 4 years and then with a local group called Victory for about 2 years.
We moved to Crossville in 1977 and eventually joined Pine Eden Baptist Church where I served as Young, Adult Sunday school Teacher and Praise and Worship Leader. During that time, I traveled as a part-time evangelist. Brother Garland asked that I come and sing at his Ordination Service at Calvary.
We began attending Calvary in 2000. Garland and I served as Interim Pastors from November, 2004 until July, 2005 ~ when the Church called us as Pastor and Associate Pastor. The Church licensed me in August of that year in order to make this legal. It is with great anticipation, that I look forward to what God has in store for Calvary Missionary Baptist Church!!!!
Your Fellow Servant In Christ
Reverend Al Watkins